5 Reasons Why A Realtor Is Your Best Advisor For Real Estate Information

“Consider the source,” was always something I remembered hearing growing up. All the time actually! It was through repetition that this maxim was pounded into my head. It holds more truth and value now than it did when I was a kid. The internet and social media are rampant with information and disinformation. Todays consumer finds it difficult to discern between what is simply factual and what is driven by self interest. Let’s face it, the latter is far more common than the former. As it has always been, the best idea is to curate multiple sources of trusted information. The purpose of this real estate blog is to not only impart to you why a Realtor should be included within that multiple sources of trusted information but why they should be at the very top.

I begin my work day with a review of real estate news. I scan and read, all the while noticing the overall messaging and themes. I do it in an intelligent way, aggregating the information and bringing it to me. Unsurprising, the news that is offered and blasted across the digital & broadcast arena tends to be frenzy based and meant to draw in readers through the use of startling and provocative headlines. Not surprising at all. In fact I wouldn’t expect it to be any other way based on my observations over the last 3 decades. However, it does bring to mind the importance of having alternate sources of information.

As a consumer, you are looking for a service and a particular outcome related to that service. It is the responsibility of the professional you work with to be knowledgeable and skilled in the business they are immersed in. This too you can’t just trust to assumption. It is your responsibility as a consumer to do the leg work to find the right professional and individual to work with. For insights into how to do this, please refer to our blog on “How to choose a real estate agent.” I am suggesting that if you have a need that you first have the conversation that matters most! There is a hierarchy and in this hierarchy having a conversation with a pro cannot be replaced by any random news, social media feeds, or TikToks that you might see.

There simply is no replacement to having a conversation with a Realtor who is knowledgeable, dedicated and experienced. These are professionals who hone their craft day in and day out for years. For starters, you aren’t going to wake up and get up to speed at the level a Realtor is operating at. So call them and have a conversation. Think about what it is you do for a living and ask yourself the same question. Would you not suggest that someone speak with you about your profession and insights or would they be better served by an algorithm on social media incapable of asking the most basic questions? When you think about it like that, the choice becomes pretty clear.

Here are 5 reasons why a Realtor is your best advisor for real estate information.

Realtors are people and real estate is the business of people. Each individual has their own unique needs and the details of each real estate transaction can be drastically different. A one size fits all solution is not what you want and therefore the information you need must be specifically tailored to you based on your needs and situation. We relate to one another as people. Have the conversation.

Real Estate is local. An agent that works in the area you are in has very specific knowledge about the details that actually matter. National headline news does not and cannot provide the insights that will make the difference in accomplishing your real estate goals. A knowledge of the market in your area, neighborhoods, familiarity with the home and others like it, as well as what is in demand make all the difference. If the information isn’t specific to you, your situation or your local market then is it even relevant? Have the conversation.

Realtors understand cycles. Every business has their ups and downs. Some of these are annual and some patterns happen on a larger scale. We are not talking about a predictive model but rather a holistic understanding of what usually happens and why. Whether it is 8, 10 or 12 years those agents that have been around long enough or work with those who have can be invaluable. As with any business, timing is key. Have the conversation.

Realtors have resources. Being in a specific business affords you the benefit of having the relationships and support that build a strong network. This network of resources has the kind of in-depth knowledge you won’t see available elsewhere. When you hire a professional, those resources become yours. Every person they have a professional relationship with or have worked with for years suddenly gets tapped in your favor. Have the conversation.

Realtors share your common interest. This being the more pragmatic of the reasons. Simply put, you are or potentially will be purchasing their services. It’s business and what’s good for you becomes paramount to those you hire. In all practical terms, it’s their job to counsel you and provide the services you need at the highest level possible. Again, refer to our previous blog on “How to choose a real estate agent.” Assuming you have already done this part, the best outcome is what they will provide for you. Realtors live and die by the sword of caring for their clients and supporting those relationships. Those who don’t, fall by the wayside fairly quickly. Have the conversation.