Corban Lawlor


Living Off Campus?

Who are you?

My name is Corban Lawlor I am a UPS alumni, I graduated in 2022 With a degree in Economics and Communication. I am a Realtor at John L ScottReal Estate, and work on a team that focuses on investment properties. I lived offcampus for my junior and senior year while at UPS. I lived in an investment property that my friends parents bought to rent out to their children and other UPS students. Investing in the Tacoma Community by purchasing rental properties is a great way to provide a unique and stress free and safe housing experience for your children all while making money through appreciation at the same time.

Corban Lawlor

Why Rent?

Renting off campus is very common practice at UPS, after living in the Dorms for the mandatory amount of time many students choose to live off campus. Have you ever considered how much you pay in rent over an extended period of time? It is probably a lot more than you realize... And what happens to your rent money? ITS GONE! There's no interest, no equity, no return. The amount you spend on rent each month could be applied to a mortgage, not only building equity in your own property, but even more important is providing a chance of homeownership to your children. Invest in your biggest investment, your children.

Is the Real Estate Market Crashing?

The media and news will try to tell you the world is ending and the Real Estate Market is terrible. I'm here to tell you the truth, while Interest Rates have increased, it has lead to a decrease in house prices. Properties are staying on the market longer, and sellers are getting desperate. This is the perfect recipe for buyers! Buyers are able to have sellers contribute to closing costs and even lowing the purchase price. Buying Real Estate in this current market will ensure a large amount of equity will occur. Stop Renting and start Investing!

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